Paine News

Michael L. Thurmond Scholarship for Student Leaders

For Immediate Release - December 13, 2024
Media Contact: Helene T. Carter
(803) 664-0080
Paine College, Augusta, GA •

Augusta, Ga In recognition for Michael L. Thurmond's many years of committed public service, the Council for Quality Growth established the Michael L. Thurmond Scholarship for Student Leaders at Paine College located in Augusta Georgia. Mr. Thurmond, a distinguished alumnus of Paine, currently serves as Chairman of the Paine College Board of Trustees. During his matriculation at Paine, Thurmond majored in History and served as President of the Student Government Association.

The Michael L. Thurmond Scholarship for Student Leaders will be awarded to students who are enrolled full-time at Paine College. These students must carry a 3.0 GPA or above and hold a leadership position in the current academic term for which the Scholarship will be awarded. Student leaders who are residents of the Atlanta Metro Georgia or Athens, Georgia will be strongly considered. Students must be willing to engage in a total of ten (10) hours of Community Service during the academic term. Community Service will be tracked by the Office of Institutional Advancement and recorded in the Office of Financial Aid.

You are invited to donate to the Michael L. Thurmond Scholarship for Student Leaders at Paine College. Simply click here to make an online donation, or make checks payable to Paine College and mail to: Office of Institutional Advancement, Paine College 1235 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30901. For more information about alternate ways to contribute, contact Helene Carter at (706) 821.8323 or

About Paine College

Paine College, located in Augusta, Georgia, is a private, four-year HBCU that is affiliated with the United Methodist Church and the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Paine offers a liberal arts education and is accredited by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS).

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Via Mailed Check:
Make checks payable to PAINE COLLEGE and mail to Paine College, 1235 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30901
Attention: Institutional Advancement

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